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Spring 2022 Pre-Order Newsletter


We are very excited to once again be opening up our annual Spring Pre-Order for Salmon Shares. This year, more than ever, we are seeing the demand for bulk food options at a premium price. When our nation’s food markets and pricing are in such a volatile state, the value of our salmon shares has become obvious. It is good knowing that your freezer is holding enough salmon for your family to last the year and that it was an incredible deal to boot! This year we have had to really do our homework with major anticipated expense increases. Although this affects are operation greatly, we will still be offering our shares at the best value possible and have raised our prices minimally for the first time in years.

Every year we are so pleased to have more and more return customers. We couldn’t be happier that so many trust us to be their source for some of the best salmon money can buy. Seriously. We know what it takes to get each and every one of those fillets into your hands. From tirelessly picking through the nets to the precision fillet and trim work, and lastly the 2,600-mile journey back home to MN. We have had a few years to get the process down now and will work to continually improve it. Delivering high quality, delicious wild salmon to our customers is our top priority.

We do have two quick things to make note of. First, we will announce if there will be any halibut available closer to the time that you get your orders and proceed from there. The halibut fishing in our area of Bristol Bay varies greatly from year to year. But if you are interested in halibut, please make a note on your order or contact us. Second, we added more drop off sites to our ordering page for your convenience. But we will be able to make almost any “in between” areas work as well. Please contact us if you are not in the Minnesota/Dakotas areas for a shipping quote.

We would like to thank you for your continued support of our small fishing business. Buying bulk salmon shares is what keeps your prices down and helps us to be more efficient with shipping and delivering. We greatly appreciate any and all references to friends and family. Joining up with others to stock up at the best rate is a great option too. Again this year, you will receive a free gift if you pay in full at the time of order. With that said, we look forward to hearing from you all. See you in August!

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